Five MonthsAbigail did a whole lot of new things this month. She began laughing a lot, escaping from everything, growing all new hair, talking, tasting more food, getting into a new carseat, wearing six-month size clothes, and watching her new cousin John - who is the first younger baby she's ever been around.
And a big one for me...she grew out of her dairy allergy. Whew. I still feel a little twinge of concern when I eat dairy stuff because of how she would react for so long, but she isn't having a bit of problems so I'm glad to not have to read labels on everything. Her personality is really beginning to come out these days as she is much more responsive. She's much easier to take places and do things with since she's paying more attention to what's going on and is interested in toys into the bargain. Her favorite toy really is anything paper and crinkly, but as her other hobby is eating everything she can get her hands on, paper is not a great option for long. |
Every activity with Abigail keeps her busy for about fifteen minutes. She is an extremely active, busy little person and will try to get out of pretty much anything I put her in. I've resorted to putting her down just on the floor because she kept rolling off of blankets or flipping out of seats. It means she gets dirtier - and I cringe when I see her start licking the floor, since no matter how often I wash it construction means we constantly are getting new dirt on it - but she turns round and round in circles and plays with things and generally looks like she's five minutes away from crawling. My grandfather Dueweke used to say everyone needs to eat a peck of dirt in their lifetime and Abigail is taking that seriously.
Abby babbles a lot and keeps trying out new sounds. Her new favorite is "Mom". Whenever Ben has her, she plaintively wails "Mooooooooom!" She seems a little young for this, but my Mom says I was saying words at 9 months, so Abigail might be on track to do that too.
She still doesn't have any teeth but is extremely interested in everything we eat. I give her drinks of water when I get one and she now chews on rice rusks while we eat dinner, but I'm holding off actually feeding her until she has teeth. Her digestion seems to have been maturing, but she just now started tolerating me having dairy so I don't want to push her too soon. Better to let her finish growing and handle everything than give her things too soon and have her always have trouble with eating.
She's in the new carseat and no longer makes a huge fuss everytime we go somewhere. I can't tell if she gets carsick and the rear-facing infant seat made it worse or she's just really interested in always seeing what's going on and couldn't see anything in her old seat. She's about 17 pounds, so she's a touch small to be facing forward; but she's well-buckled and strapped in a carseat that can handle much smaller babies and she seems to enjoy car rides these days - or at least, she tolerates them without wailing the whole time.
One of her favorite things to do is go for a walk. If she had it her way, I'd carry her all the time and keep walking all the time, but a good compromise is to go for a ride around the neighborhood in the stroller (eating the straps the whole way...). We go for several walks a day and I'd really like to get my bike from my family's house so we could bike a bit too. I think she'd like that.
Abby babbles a lot and keeps trying out new sounds. Her new favorite is "Mom". Whenever Ben has her, she plaintively wails "Mooooooooom!" She seems a little young for this, but my Mom says I was saying words at 9 months, so Abigail might be on track to do that too.
She still doesn't have any teeth but is extremely interested in everything we eat. I give her drinks of water when I get one and she now chews on rice rusks while we eat dinner, but I'm holding off actually feeding her until she has teeth. Her digestion seems to have been maturing, but she just now started tolerating me having dairy so I don't want to push her too soon. Better to let her finish growing and handle everything than give her things too soon and have her always have trouble with eating.
She's in the new carseat and no longer makes a huge fuss everytime we go somewhere. I can't tell if she gets carsick and the rear-facing infant seat made it worse or she's just really interested in always seeing what's going on and couldn't see anything in her old seat. She's about 17 pounds, so she's a touch small to be facing forward; but she's well-buckled and strapped in a carseat that can handle much smaller babies and she seems to enjoy car rides these days - or at least, she tolerates them without wailing the whole time.
One of her favorite things to do is go for a walk. If she had it her way, I'd carry her all the time and keep walking all the time, but a good compromise is to go for a ride around the neighborhood in the stroller (eating the straps the whole way...). We go for several walks a day and I'd really like to get my bike from my family's house so we could bike a bit too. I think she'd like that.