![]() We're definitely going to have to make Abigail some nicer signs in the future: but here's her one-month photo. She weighs nearly 12 pounds, is 22.5 inches long, sleeps for about six hours solidly at night, is now smiling just in recognition rather than always being coaxed, and can ride in the baby carrier facing outward instead of just inward. It's hard to believe she can grow so fast! Technically, she's actually six weeks old as of today, but since I've been slow with pictures this will have to suffice. It just means 2-month photos will be right on top of 1-month photos. I've also updated the slideshow under the "Abigail Lauren Turner" tab if anyone wants to see more. There are milestones for me, too. I'm down from 170 pounds at Abby's birth to 137. I'm able to wear more and more of my normal clothes, which is really nice. I can now run up and down stairs again, lift heavy objects (boy, I got really tired of the "no lifting" requirements!), take walks, drink normal amounts of water instead of what felt like a gallon a day, wash the kitchen floor, help Grandma Lila with showers, and stay awake past 9:00 at night without a nap. Don't laugh - these are big improvements!
3/12/2013 08:12:43 am
Ohhhhh just LOOK at that cutie!! Makes me just want to pinch those little cheeks and cover her in kisses- but then again, I'm sure she gets those a lot!! :)
3/14/2013 04:12:15 am
Oh yeah, she gets kissed a whole lot. Ben wanted to know the other day if I could estimate how many kisses she gets per day and I said I gave up because I couldn't count.
Mary Kay
3/14/2013 02:05:43 am
I can't believe this picture. This baby doesn't look like you but that expression is you Lauren. My serious baby!!! I have to laugh every time I see it. Poor Ben - smiling Ben - did he know? Daddy loved reading your blog. Lauren, he says you have such a gift for writing! He's so proud! The way you described Lila loving that baby - the way we all do. What a way for a day to be eh!!!!!!
3/14/2013 04:23:21 am
I know - I laughed when I looked at the camera screen because she was giving such a Lauren look. Yes, Ben knew - but I figure Abby's smile isn't like mine but like Ben's, so she's going to be smilier in the future.
Aunt Rosie
3/16/2013 04:17:56 am
Lauren and Ben, thank you for the announcement. Those pictures are so beautiful. But I think my favorite one is the one month old picture. Abby's expression is precious. Am looking forward to meeting her. Probably at Leah and Benjamin's baby shower. Comments are closed.
Author: LaurenWife of Benjamin and mother to two wonderful little girls who are getting bigger every day. Enjoys writing down thoughts and discussions we are having within the family and sharing them with whoever is interested in reading. CommentPlease don't be shy! If you're reading the blog updates, we'd like to hear what you think. Click on the "comments" link to send us a note.
August 2018