Last year on this date, we went to a shower for some friends of ours who were expecting their first baby, then took a long walk through the neighborhood to view the annual firework display put on by the Grosse Pointe Lockmoor Club golf course. I really enjoyed that day quite a bit, I remember.
I remember especially well because that was the day someone asked Ben if I belonged to him and he said, "Not yet. But she will someday." I hadn't heard him say anything like that before. It was an odd week because it was the span of time between the day Ben told me that he loved me (the 22nd) and the day he asked me to marry him (the 29th). I was surprised at the time that he'd done one and not the other, but I knew once he said, "I love you, Lauren", he was ready to marry me; and I was certainly ready to marry him. What I didn't know during that week was that Ben had made that decision but hadn't found a ring or managed to get time alone to talk to my Dad. In the end, he got tired of waiting and asked me on the spur of the moment without either one of those things. My blessing book from today's date says: Ben held my hand pretty much all day today when we went anywhere. On the walk out to the Lochmoor Club I told him about how many times we’d come to that fireworks display and how every year I thought, “Maybe someday I’ll come with someone.” Ben smiled and said, “You know what Lauren? It’s this year!” “I know!” I said. “How ‘bout that.” “How ‘bout that,” he said. It’s been a joke for a few weeks that I say that all the time because apparently his Grandpa Wilfred used to say it all the time too and every time I say it Ben’s reminded of his Grandpa. I’m not sure, but I think I get that little piece of slang from Grandpa Dueweke. Just one of those funny little things. “How many years have you been coming?” he asked me. “Eleven or twelve,” I said. “Wow!” He looked at me kind of shocked. “Eleven years you’ve been coming by yourself and thinking that?” He held onto my hand a little tighter and said, “Well, it’s my honor and privilege to come with you this year.” I really, really love this man. I love him because I can tell him those things and it means something to him. I love him because of how he responds. And I love that he loves me. Many days, either Ben or I say to each other, "You know what? I love you more today than I did yesterday!" And it's true. One year later, I already love Ben with a much greater depth and strength than I did then. We've already been through some testings that many marriages take years to go through; and Ben has shone like a jewel through all of them. A friend of ours told us recently, "You've only been married six months and you're already playing in the Big Leagues: recognize that and don't start faltering." Well, it's seven months now; but still, it's good to remember every day how blessed we are, to not overlook what an unusual and wonderful life we have, and how the things we are doing now are shaping our marriage and our children for the generations to come. Thank you, Ben.
6/26/2012 10:42:08 am
Going to the fireworks there this year? That would be nice.
6/28/2012 05:42:05 am
This one gave me goosebumps! Comments are closed.
Author: LaurenWife of Benjamin and mother to two wonderful little girls who are getting bigger every day. Enjoys writing down thoughts and discussions we are having within the family and sharing them with whoever is interested in reading. CommentPlease don't be shy! If you're reading the blog updates, we'd like to hear what you think. Click on the "comments" link to send us a note.
August 2018