I've been trying to post all week but not getting the chance, so quickly... We have Abigail's two month pictures from the 28th of March! I've also made a new slideshow and archived the old one, so there are more pictures if you click on the "Abigail" tab. Ben and I have both come down with the same cold Grandma and Abigail had after going all the way to the bitter end without catching it. We're pretty droopy today - as with the girls, I keep waking up thinking, "Why do I feel worse today instead of better?" I've been sick since Monday and today's the first day I feel about the same as yesterday instead of worse than yesterday, so hopefully that means I'll be feeling better tomorrow. Abigail's second month has felt a lot more controlled to me than her first in spite of spending a few weeks messing around with this fairly nasty cold. She is beginning to do things like sit in her bouncy chair long enough for me to make dinner and fold clothes, so my back feels better and more of our normal things are able to be done. Her new pacifier helps with this a lot because she enjoys having something to DO rather than just sit. She is definitely a "doer" now that she's awakened from the newborn coma. Unfortunately, she's also begun squealing when she's unhappy and I miss that soft little newborn cry. She's also been smiling a lot more and has even laughed a few times in the past few days, so the squealing does have it's balance. She is also very fat. She is such a dumpling! She looks very healthy; but she thinks she's starving to death if she hasn't eaten in two hours. And she is hungry now, so I'd better go take care of her...
4/8/2013 02:34:14 am
You know, minus the jowls and the general chubbiness, this is how she will look when she is grown-up, I bet. :D It's so fun to see expressions on her face!
4/8/2013 12:28:35 pm
Yeah, that's kind of why I picked this one - I think she has kind of an English sense of humor because she's a bit odd in what she thinks is amusing. And this picture caught that wry grin she often has when we're trying to get her to smile. Sort of, "Okay, yeah, I can see why that's funny Mom."
Jessica Laughton
4/10/2013 03:33:05 am
Oh my goodness, she IS a dumpling! Haha she is growing so fast and is adorable. Love looking at pictures of her and reading about your new little family :) Comments are closed.
Author: LaurenWife of Benjamin and mother to two wonderful little girls who are getting bigger every day. Enjoys writing down thoughts and discussions we are having within the family and sharing them with whoever is interested in reading. CommentPlease don't be shy! If you're reading the blog updates, we'd like to hear what you think. Click on the "comments" link to send us a note.
August 2018